

We know by periodontics that area of ??dentistry that deals with the gums and the supporting tissue of the tooth. A large part of the population suffers gum problems to a different degree. The mildest form is called gingivitis and is reversible. When gingivitis persists and other factors occur, we can develop periodontitis (“Pyorrhea”), which is irreversible. At Dentalnova we apply a high quality protocol in the treatment of gum diseases.


From Dentalnova we want to bet, above all, for the prevention of these diseases; since, in initial stages such as gingivitis, they are reversible. If the disease progresses, periodontitis develops which causes loss of bone and even teeth. The steps that we follow in our protocol are:

  • Exploration, diagnosis and assessment of risk factors.
  • Periodontal study, radiographic and photographic series. Graphic / visual record of the different parameters that allow us to know the stage in which the disease is found.
  • Basic treatment. It is a deep cleaning below the gums. We explain hygiene techniques and motivate the patient.
  • Re-evaluation. At 4-6 weeks, a new measurement and photographs are taken in order to compare with the start and see if the response to basic treatment has been as expected.
  • If the answer has been good, we would move on to maintenance. Periodic visits are made between 3 and 9 months according to the criteria of the periodontist in which everything is thoroughly reviewed, the patient is motivated and a cleaning is done in order to keep everything in perfect condition.
  • If the basic treatment is insufficient, we would like to apply an advanced treatment.

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